I have a friend online that brings so many different ideas about God. Maybe 5 years ago I would have considered some of these things as heresy, but as my relationship with a loving God has grown and blossomed into an intimacy that cannot be described by plain words, I now consider her ideas and thoughts as her journey to get closer to her heavenly Father.
I don't need all those different ideas. I have so much going on inside my head already that adding more to it seems like eating at a buffet when I already had a big steak dinner. Too much to digest on too small a brain. But my heart feels like it is growing bigger every day. I can't really explain that, either. But the more His love is shining in my heart the more I am understanding His love for EVERYone around me.
I used to have a very small world view, mostly because I was firmly ensconced in religion and didn't realize it. But my world view has become broader and now embraces not just those who think like me, but those who don't, those who are searching, and those who just don't seem to care. Because all of these people are loved by Jesus who gave up His life to win their hearts back to the Father.
I would love to write something so totally profound that people would go ga-ga over my blog, but the truth is...I just love Him and He loves me, and that causes me to love others like I never have loved people before...